Thursday 29 July 2010

The Hornlie ridge

Wet & cloudy at first so went to museum. However cleared mid morning so dashed up in gondola to try walk to Hornlie hut. 2/3 up ridge started to snow & decided best to retreat, so this is as close as I got to the Matterhorn.

Wednesday 28 July 2010


Finally, approach Zermatt. Drop down through Sunnegga ski area & some alpine houses to town. Zermatt is bustling. Great to complete the trek but a real contrast from some of the peaceful & isolated places have stayed in over the past days.

Avalanche protection

Pass through a tunnel at one point & under these sections to protect from falling rocks. Otherwise a pleasant walk with great views up valley towards Zermatt.

Another bridge!

Cross another steel bridge where a rock fall has destroyed the path. This one has Tibetan style prayer flags on it which isn't very reassuring, but is quite secure.

Tuesday 27 July 2010


Reach the hut at last, perched on stilts on the hillside. Spectacular location, straight across from the Weisshorn, Sitting on terrace with a beer, enjoying the superlative view.

Suspension bridge

A landslip has destroyed the path here and I have to cross this slightly wobbly bridge. There's am even longer one after the hut due to a recent skis.


The path is rough & loose in places, but the views are sensational, dominated by the Weisshorn, but also with the Matterhorn in the distance.

Statue of St. Bernard

He looks a bit grumpy & is pointing in the wrong direction, but this is near the start of the Eurapaweg, the high level path up the valley wall to Zermatt.

Monday 26 July 2010

The Mattertal valley

Zermatt is at the end of this valley. Tomorrow climb high, half way along left side. From here descended to St. Niklaus, tonight's stop.


Descending to St. Niklaus passed a group of ibex. They let us come quite close. Very impressive with their long, ridged horns.

The last col

Climbed up from Gruben to the Augstbordpass, the last pass before the Mattertal valley. Cold at the top but warmer in the valley.

Sunday 25 July 2010


Cross over the col into the next valley. Still a dusting of snow on the peaks & some patches on the trail. First view of Bishorn & Weisshorn. Gentle walk down thro' forest to Gruben.

Zinal from above

Good weather has returned as climb up above Zinal towards the Forcletta pass. For mountain spotters these are the Besso, Dent Blanche & Grand Cornier.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Ridge behind glacier

Have to pick way down hill after last night's snow. See a marmot & 6 or 7 chamois above Lac de Moiry, which is am amazing aquamarine colour from the glacial melt water. Walk thro' light hail & down to Zinal, tonight's stop.

View from Cabane de Moiry

Cabane has fantastic situation, right next to glacier. Great facilities & good food. Snows in evening. Climbers staying before attempting peaks tomorrow.

Cabane de Moiry

Friday. Weather worsened as climbed to col. Sheltered in a cow shed from thunderstorm. No cows but smelly! Climbed up along glacier to this Cabane in the rain.

Thursday 22 July 2010

La Sage

La Sage is a little village in Val d'Herens. Hotel is very comfortable- a pleasant change from the Cabanes of the last few days. Sitting with a beer in the afternoon's warmth.

Lac Bleu

A more leisurely day today as make way down the valley to La Sage. This little lake is on the hillside across from the Grand Dent de Veisivi.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Crossing the glacier

This was brilliant, crossing the crunchy melting ice! Then climbed some ladders to the col, & took path down to Arolla, a quiet alpine town.

Glacier de Cheilon

Up at 5:30 then terrific walk past Lac des Dix & up to Cabane des Dix. Wonderful views of glacier & mountains.

Grand Desert

A rocky desolate place. Pass the edge of a glacier & tarns. Walk through snow a few times. Glad to arrive at Cabane de Prafleurie.

Lac de Louvie

Tuesday. Climbed up past this lake, with Grand Combin peaks behind. High narrow path round hillside.

Monday 19 July 2010

Cabane de Mont Fort

Reach Cabane after 6 hours walking. Busy with day trippers from Verbier ski lifts. Great views to Mont Blanc massif & Grand Combin peaks.

Chapelle Les Vernays

Monday. Climb above Le Chable past this chapel & above Verbier. Another beautiful day, but hard work in the sun.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Le Chable, Sunday

Flew to Geneva then train to Le Chable, my start on the trail. Very warm & sunny at this little town near to Verbier.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

The route

Day 1 Le Chable - Cabane de Mont Fort
Day 2 Cabane de Mont Fort - Cabane de Prafleuri
Day 3 Cabane de Prafleuri - Arolla
Day 4 Arolla - La Sage
Day 5 La Sage - Cabane de Moiry
Day 6 Cabane de Moiry - Zinal
Day 7 Zinal - Gruben
Day 8 Gruben - St. Niklaus
Day 9 St. Niklaus - Europahutte
Day 10 Europahutte - Zermatt